
Tonight, while sick in bed, I decided to take a peek to see what W Magazine has been up to. I usually find that they have intriguing spreads compared to other mainstream fashion publications, but this new story by the duo Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott left me pretty grossed out. I know it's easy to ridicule the fashion world, but this is a particularly murky case. Seemingly artful and romantic, this little "romp" in the countryside feels totally contrived and lackluster. The juxtaposition between the models in lingerie and the table spreads hardly wet the appetite. I'm also pretty sick of seeing Laura Stone playing the same character in everything. They could have gone further with this do to something far more compelling. Bleh...


Annabelle said...

The table setups are pretty weak.

raccolta said...

when I first scrolled to the pictures I thought you were going to say how much you love this spread... and was glad to see that you were also revolted

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